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Jeffrey Smith, MD, FACS, CPC, PCC

Physician Peer Coach


Jeffrey Smith, MD, is a practicing Orthopedic Traumatologist and a consultant and Peer Coach with VITAL WorkLife. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from Rush Medical College in Chicago, Illinois, his Residency in Orthopedic Surgery from the University of Tennessee-Campbell Clinic in Memphis, Tennessee and a Fellowship in Orthopedic Trauma and Joint Reconstructive Surgery in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Smith is currently the Director of the San Diego Orthopedic Trauma Fellowship.


With more than 20 years of experience within an academic and private practice, Dr. Smith has learned to cope with the ups and downs of being a performance-driven surgeon and even experienced some episodes of burnout during his career. Through his personal experience and research, he has developed his own methodology for performance improvement - The 8 PRACTICEs of Highly Successful Surgeons, techniques that address resilience training, professional development, leadership training, surgeon wellness and burnout prevention.


As a member of the Orthopedic Trauma Association, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and past president of the San Diego Chapter of the Western Orthopedic Association, Dr. Smith is also a speaker, blogger, podcaster, educator, and coach who assists other surgeons to develop critical skills that improve well-being, prevent burnout, and build thriving surgical careers. He describes his passions as performance improvement and supporting physician wellness efforts to create sustainable, lifestyle-friendly surgical practices.