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Help your healthcare clients exceed their well-being goals

VITAL WorkLife supports organizations with innovative solutions—leading the way in addressing professional burnout, life challenges and barriers to seeking help. 

Make a Difference for your Healthcare Clients

Our specialized well-being programs are specifically designed for healthcare, focusing on alleviating stress and enhancing job satisfaction that impacts patient care and organizational outcomes. 

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Access to Care

In-person and virtual options to meet diverse workforce needs, with a turnaround time 4x quicker than the national average.
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Proven resources and strategies to engage healthcare professionals in their well-being journey.
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Confidence in our Solutions

We boast a 98% retention rate with our Physician Well-Being clients.

Our Solutions

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Overcoming Burnout, Rediscovering Joy

With decades of experience, we offer comprehensive solutions to empower physicians to restore their joy in medicine. We understand the challenges, including the negative stigma associated with seeking help, and we address key pain points of your physicians, APPs and residents (e.g., burnout and chronic stress, work-life balance and more) with tailored and valuable resources.

"Having a resource to help me navigate tough issues is a really important thing"

– Physician

“You support people through
very hard careers...
It's just a hard profession, and you get that.

Physician Leader

“You help the person distill down to get to the root so they can be happier and more effective."


“We tout your solutions to physician groups when they’re joining or when recruiting new physicians."

Healthcare Organizational Leader

“You support growth and development—at work but also with family. People need to find that work-life balance so they can be there for their family, too."


Client Relationships

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Results that Resonate: Data-Driven Value for your Healthcare Clients



Physician engagement rates 10x that of traditional solutions.

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92% of Physician Peer Coaching clients said our resources helped them stay in their role or in medicine

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Our time to a counseling appointment is 4 times faster than the national average. <10 days vs. 42