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Physician Well-Being Resources

Help your physicians and caregivers rediscover their joy in medicine. Support well-being and address burnout with proven, confidential resources that will strengthen your people—and your organization’s bottom line.

Give Physicians the Support They Need—and Want

Burnout is a serious problem—for clinicians, health systems and patients. While some organizations have made progress improving workplace culture, most still face systemic challenges of persistent mental health stigma, high clinician turnover, and outdated expectations of overwork. Your entire workforce, from frontline caregivers to executive leadership, feel the impacts. 

High Burnout Rates

49% of physicians reported feeling burned out and burnout can have serious consequences for the healthcare system and patient care.

Physician Availability

More physicians are leaving the field than entering it, creating a shortage—and it can cost your organization $500k to $1M to replace a single physician.

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Patient Care

Burnout can lead to errors in diagnosis and treatment, lower patient satisfaction, and longer wait times.
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Healthcare Costs

Physician burnout imposes a high cost on the healthcare system, estimated at $4.6 billion per year.

"One of the big gaps we found was that we didn't have a successful EAP program within our organization that physicians trusted.The fact that VITAL WorkLife provides not only counseling but also peer coaching is critical. Their 24/7 support line, our physicians and APPs can call and talk to a professional who knows how to address burnout at any time.”

Kevin Coss, MD, Chief Wellness Officer, Community Health Network

Tailored Well-Being Resources Physicians Actually Use

Measurably improve the mental health of your clinicians with well-being solutions designed for the unique needs of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other advanced practice providers (APPs). The Physician Well-Being Resources program from VITAL WorkLife includes:

Peer Coaching and Support
Connect physicians, advanced practice providers and residents with 100% confidential, personalized guidance from certified coaches who have walked in their shoes and understand the unique challenges that comes with working in healthcare—compassion fatigue, career and family needs, and personal and professional relationship challenges.

WorkLife Concierge Virtual Personal Assistant
Help clinicians reclaim valuable time and achieve better work-life balance so they can focus on what matters most—quality patient care. Our WorkLife Concierge team provides white glove service handling everything from research to payment for personal needs like planning travel and vacations, coordinating family care, and organizing special events.

Confidential Counseling 
Break through mental health stigma with 100% confidential and personalized support from our expansive network of master's and doctorate-level counselors. Actionable steps to improve burnout, team cohesion, and work-life well-being is achievable through convenient counseling sessions in-person, by phone, or virtually—with the option to immediately Talk to a Counselor Now, 24/7/365.

Professional Services
Financial and legal experts are available to provide personalized guidance on topics like budgeting, student loan debt, retirement planning, employment contracts, legal assistance, and more. After initial consultative conversations, providers may use more comprehensive services at a reduced rate from these national and local professionals.

Member Resources
Well-being tools, peer coaching, confidential counseling and other resources and assessments to support mental health and improve physician wellness are conveniently accessible through our secure member website and mobile app.

Tailored Services
Engage our team of experts to strengthen the well-being of your people and organization with tailored services that make real impact. Executive and leadership coaching, training and education, physician intervention, critical incident response, and customized consulting address workplace challenges at every level.

Make a Measurable Impact on Physician Well-Being

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Increased Utilization

Physician engagement rates are 10x the national average of 4-5% for traditional EAP programs.

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Stay in Their Role

96% of members say our Physician Peer Coaching helped them stay in their role—and reported a 34% increase in well-being.

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100% Recommended

Members who participated in Physician Peer Coaching highly recommend it to others.

More than 5,000 physicians have used VITAL WorkLife for support.

"Having a resource to help me navigate tough issues is a really important thing"

– Physician

“You support people through
very hard careers...
It's just a hard profession, and you get that.

Physician Leader

“You help the person distill down to get to the root so they can be happier and more effective."


“We tout your solutions to physician groups when they’re joining or when recruiting new physicians."

Healthcare Organizational Leader

“You support growth and development—at work but also with family. People need to find that work-life balance so they can be there for their family, too."


Client Relationships

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Increase Mental Health Support, Improve Organizational Outcomes

By alleviating stress and enhancing job satisfaction, our Physician Well-Being Resources can measurably impact and improve patient care and organizational outcomes, including:
  • Recruitment and retention
  • Care team relationships
  • Patient satisfaction scores
  • Patient quality and safety
  • Physician engagement
  • Individual well-being
  • Culture and climate
  • Financial viability and ROI 
Older doctor and younger healthcare professional women on computer warm gold brushstroke

Physician Well-Being is at a Tipping Point—What’s Your Move?

Strengthen your workplace culture and drive organizational change. Discover how the Physician Well-Being Resources program from VITAL WorkLife can help transform your people and your organization.