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Protected Mental Health Support for Physicians and Providers

Supporting those who care for us. Be part of a national movement to protect healthcare professionals.

Confidential Support When It Matters Most

Physicians, advanced practice providers, residents, nurses, and other healthcare professionals dedicate their lives to caring for others. But who cares for them? The demanding nature of healthcare can lead to burnout, career fatigue, and other mental health challenges. Seeking help can be difficult, often complicated by concerns about licensing repercussions. That's where advocacy efforts at the state level come in.

“To address burnout and stress, the AMA supports confidential wellness programs so physicians and physicians in-training can confidentially access coaching or counseling. Asking for help should not result in reprisals but a determination to find an evidence-based response.”

–Thomas J. Madejski, MD, AMA Trustee

A National Movement: Legislation Protecting Healthcare Professionals

SafeHaven was launched in 2020 by a partnership between VITAL WorkLife and the Medical Society of Virginia (MSV) to support state medical societies, professional associations, and similar organizations who have legislation—either planned or in place—offering protections to those in the medical profession who seek help or emotional support. This monumental legislation is sweeping the country, ensuring healthcare professionals can access the mental health support they need without jeopardizing their careers.

The American Medical Association (AMA) acknowledged this landmark accomplishment "saves doctors from burnout" and "encourages counseling, treatment for burnout and other challenges."

“Supporting physicians’ and medical students’ mental health and wellness is essential to supporting our nation’s health." –Jack Resneck Jr., MD, former AMA President 

VITAL WorkLife shares the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Foundation's commitment to supporting healthcare professionals' well-being and mental health. As ambassadors, we're working to amplify their mission and drive meaningful impact.

Young male nurse taking notes while looking at a tablet

How We Can Work Together

Discover how we partner with state medical societies and other organizations to protect and support our healthcare heroes. We can help you bring confidential mental health and well-being support to your members.